Networkfour Projects
Life & Sole
Life & Sole - Every Step Matters, Every Shoe Tells a Story
Life & Sole supports vulnerable children, young people at risk, hard to reach adults and families in crisis throughout the city. We tackle rising levels of poverty and deprivation when evidenced in ill-fitting, worn-out or broken footwear and provide free, good quality pre-loved footwear and further caring support as needed.

Life & Sole works in partnership with Schools, College and Academies, Social Services, West Midlands Police and Early Years Intervention Team as well as voluntary sector organizations like Safer Families.
For hard to reach adults, we also collaborate with Adult Education, Birmingham City Council Community Safer Partnership and Adult Migrant to provide similar targeted support.
Volunteers: We Need You
We depend almost entirely on the kindness and commitment of our volunteers. The Birmingham Pastors project particularly is built on volunteering by the good people from faith groups, students, retired folks or anyone (over 18 years old) with a heart for the vulnerable who can commit to at least one four-hour shift per month.
We try to be as flexible as possible to get you rapidly registered, trained up and active. Go on, hit that button!