Networkfour Projects
LifeLineFour the bedrock of Networkfour’s service to the community.

Lifelinefour is all about getting alongside someone - of any age and situation - who is facing homelessness or contact with the criminal justice system; we meet people directly through Birmingham Pastors patrols, receive referrals and requests from Neighbourhood Policing Units, Violence Reduction Units, Impact Teams, Offender Managers etc. The range of needs and lifelines is endless:
- Homelessness, particularly rough-sleeping
- Meeting and supporting someone leaving prison, helping them into education, training or work, kitting them out and walking them through an application process
- Helping someone steer clear of street gang activity, county lines drug involvement
- Assisting vulnerable family members where domestic abuse threatens
- Safely guiding people who are vulnerable to exploitation
To be available at such a pivotal moment in a life can have an infinite impact on whole families and generations. Sink or swim?
Volunteers: We Need You
We depend almost entirely on the kindness and commitment of our volunteers. The Birmingham Pastors project particularly is built on volunteering by the good people from faith groups, students, retired folks or anyone (over 18 years old) with a heart for the vulnerable who can commit to at least one four-hour shift per month.
We try to be as flexible as possible to get you rapidly registered, trained up and active. Go on, hit that button!